
Google login button in woocommerce sign up/in form

Make sure to follow these steps, in order to add the Signup/in functionality using this plugin and then use the snippet bellow.

The user experience is greatly improved when Google login is integrated into your WooCommerce registration and login forms. Users may easily sign up or log in with their Google accounts by adding a Google login button to WooCommerce forms with the “Display Google Login in WooCommerce Form” snippet. By lowering the friction involved in creating an account and logging in, this increases conversion rates and enhances customer satisfaction.

Advantages of Integrating WooCommerce with Google Login

Cart abandonment rates can be decreased by adding Google login to your WooCommerce forms, which streamlines the login and registration procedure. By using their Google accounts, users may log in fast and save themselves the trouble of having to remember multiple passwords.

//display google login in woocommerce form add_action( 'woocommerce_register_form_start', 'display_google_signup_shortcode' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_login_form_start', 'display_google_login_shortcode' ); function display_google_login_shortcode() { echo do_shortcode( '[google_login button_text="Login/Sign up with Google" force_display="no" ]' ); echo '<div class="or-separator">-OR-</div>'; } function display_google_signup_shortcode() { echo do_shortcode( '[google_login button_text="Sign Up with Google" force_display="no" redirect_to="https://your-domain.com" ]' ); echo '<div class="or-separator">-OR-</div>'; }

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