Normally, in woocommerce, when you hover over the product image, in the product details page, it zooms.
You can quickly disable the WooCommerce product page picture zoom option if you decide it isn’t appropriate for your store. The “Disable Image Zoom” snippet offers an easy way to take away the zoom feature, giving your consumers a more streamlined and organized way to examine your products.
Advantages of Turning Off Image Zoom
Although WooCommerce’s image zoom tool has its uses, it might not always be required or preferred for all stores. Turning off image zoom can help the product page appear less cluttered, which is especially useful for shops with a minimalist aesthetic. Additionally, it can enhance the user experience on mobile devices, when zooming may not be as useful or required.
//stop image zoom
function remove_image_zoom() {
remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' );
add_action( 'wp', 'remove_image_zoom', 100 );