Example: EL | EN

To use a shortcode inside a WordPress menu, you need to ensure that WordPress processes shortcodes in the wp_nav_menu output. The code snippet enables shortcodes …

To delete records in MySQL from the bmh_actionscheduler_logs table where the log_date_gmt is before a specific date and time (2024-12-02 14:11:20), you can execute the …

To delete records in the bmh_woocommerce_sessions table where the session_key starts with t_, you can use the following SQL query: Explanation: Make sure you back …

This only works if the customer has processing cash on delivery orders

in this example, we add two fields, one billing_phone and another phone, you can replace either one to use a custom field

We will display a message in the frontend based on the shipping class chosen. Based on the shipping class slug we will display the class …

This method works without any plugin, by adding the snippet in an HTML block in Gutenberg or Elementor you can embed the lottie. If you …

By using the snippet bellow, you set your wordpress website to allow .json files to be uploaded in the media section.

You can easily use Bootstrap in your wordpress website, by adding the snippet bellow. With that code, we link the Bootstrap CSS and Javascript files …

In Woocommerce, we can influence the way that related products are shown in the single product page. When using the Yoast SEO plugin, we have …

I have come up with this css that will enable you to create a mega menu in Astra by using special css classes in the …

Customer retention depends on a smooth purchasing experience, and this is why the “Automatically Accept Terms for Returning Customers” snippet is made to improve your …

You can improve the functioning of your WooCommerce store by making the add-to-cart button and prices hidden from users who aren’t logged in. This excerpt …

In woocommerce, we disable all payment methods and we show a custom message instead of the default “Sorry, it seems that there are no available …

Use the snippet bellow, in conjunction with the css, in order to add a Christmas decoration to your website.

HTML floating Call Button

With the snippet bellow, you can add a floating call button to your website, to make it easier for your visitors to reach you on …

In this example, we replace the add to cart button text with “Next”