Snippets for your wordpress site

The code bellow, adds a “copy page URL” button, which is a convenient feature that allows users to quickly copy the link of the current …

A scroll progress indicator is a visual cue on a webpage that shows how far a user has scrolled down a page. It’s typically a …

This snippet, displays a button, that when pressed it opens a popup that displays a QR code of the current page. This way, users can …

First you need to identify the menu item number, so right click in your site and open the inspector to find the item number. after …

This code adds an external link icon to all anchor tags with the target='_blank' attribute. It enhances the user experience by visually indicating that the …

You may give visitors to your website a constant element that grabs their attention and enhance the user interface by putting this snippet into practice. …

If you notice, i have changed the class of the arrows icons, so they dont hide in mobile screen “ast-left-arro” & “ast-right-arro” Here are the …

Make sure to follow these steps, in order to add the Signup/in functionality using this plugin and then use the snippet bellow. The user experience …

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This is the place to find helpful code snippets, tutorials, and resources for web developers and non.
Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, we’ve got something for you. Our collection of snippets covers a wide range of topics in wordpress and woocommerce specifically.
We strive to make our content easy to understand and follow, so you can learn at your own pace and feel confident in your coding abilities. And if you have any questions or suggestions, we’re always here to help.
At Wp Snippet Club, we’re committed to providing high-quality, useful resources that can help you excel in your programming journey. And as we continue to grow and expand, we’re excited to share even more valuable content with our community and even incorporating you in the process!
So take a look around, explore our site, and discover all that we have to offer. And don’t forget to bookmark us and save any snippets you like so you can stay up-to-date on the latest coding tips and tricks!