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Snippets for your wordpress site

display product categories in shop page
Enable shortcodes in WordPress menu navigation
To use a shortcode inside a WordPress menu, you need to ensure that WordPress processes shortcodes in the wp_nav_menu output. The code snippet enables shortcodes …
Delete records in MySQL from the bmh_actionscheduler_logs table where the log_date_gmt is before a specific date
To delete records in MySQL from the bmh_actionscheduler_logs table where the log_date_gmt is before a specific date and time (2024-12-02 14:11:20), you can execute the …
Delete records in the bmh_woocommerce_sessions table where the session_key starts with t_
To delete records in the bmh_woocommerce_sessions table where the session_key starts with t_, you can use the following SQL query: Explanation: Make sure you back …
Woocommerce: Automatically add coupon code for wholesale roles
Woocommerce: add items to processing orders
This only works if the customer has processing cash on delivery orders
Woocommerce:Recalculate orders with status completed
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remove cashback notice from shop page. add_filter(‘woo_wallet_product_cashback_html’, ‘__return_false’); disable wallet partial payment. add_filter( ‘woo_wallet_disable_partial_payment’, ‘__return_true’ …
The data structure we can find in WooCommerce options table is a serialized array. Serialized …
There are three main cases where you can find the login page of a WordPress …
Are you looking to design custom 404 error pages that keep users engaged on your …
There are many ways of adding a countdown timer, you can use a plugin for …
1.Simply Add this snippet in your functions.php file 2.Add the JS only in specific pages, …